Political Phenomenology in Debate: Eco-Phenomenology
Next Event: 14.10. 18h15 CET
Enter the Online-LectureSophie Loidolt (TU Darmstadt), Steffen Herrmann (University of Hagen), Gerhard Thonhauser (TU Darmstadt)
Introducing Political Phenomenology
Response: tba
Thomas Bedorf (Hagen)
Professor of Practical Philosophy at the FernUniversität in Hagen
Thiemo Breyer (Cologne)
Director of the Husserl Archives, University of Cologne
Steffen Herrmann (Hagen)
Akademischer Rat a.Z. at the Institute for Philosophy at the FernUniversität in Hagen
Sophie Loidolt (Darmstadt)
Professor of philosophy and holder of the chair of practical philosophy at TU Darmstadt
Gerhard Thonhauser (Darmstadt)
Research Associates of practical philosophy (Prof. Sophie Loidolt) at TU Darmstadt